Want to know a little more about us?

What does Novel Approach do?

Novel Approach is essentially an editing and proofreading service. Whether your work is a crime thriller or a cookbook, we’re there to sweat the small stuff, from grammar to gist, so that you don’t have to. That way, you can rest assured that your book will be launch ready while you get back to the good stuff; writing the next one!

What is Novel Approach aiming to achieve?

Our job is not to tell you whether your work is good enough. Most authors are their own harshest critic; therefore, if the story wasn’t good enough, you probably never would have finished it. Our aim is to offer a safe space to share your finished draft with us, allowing us to complete a line-by-line analysis and edit of your manuscript. Stories are there to be told; allow us to help make yours the best it can be.

Why should I choose Novel Approach?

Novel Approach is built on a lifelong love of books and the desire to see as many great stories as possible reach readers. We offer a dedicated and comprehensive editorial which we intend to give authors a greater level of confidence prior to release.

What can I expect from working with Novel Approach?

Our preferred method of editing is via an MS Word document where Track Changes can be incorporated, or via a PDF document which can be digitally annotated. You can expect that Novel Approach will deliver your edited manuscript in the agreed timeframe and that we will be prepared to talk you through any of our recommendations which require clarification.

How will I know Novel Approach is right for me?

For first-time customers, we offer our Pencil Programme. As part of our Submissions process, before we commit to any work from new clients, we request that you email us the first two chapters or 1500 words, whichever is more. In this way, we can demonstrate the sort of work we produce, and you can decide if we’re the right fit for your book. This is completely free of charge, so if you’d prefer not to use us, just tell us “No, thank you.” There are no hard feelings.

How do I enroll in the Pencil Programme?

Please complete the Sample Edit Submission Request form at the top of the 'Submissions' page, and we’ll advise on the next step.

When’s the right time to enlist Novel Approach?

The most opportune time to work with us is a few weeks ahead of your intended launch, once your drafting work has been completed. If you offer your audience an Advanced Reader scheme, it is recommended we are approached several weeks prior to rolling your book out to them, to allow members to focus on their reviews.

Has Novel Approach mastered any other languages?

We’re afraid not. We’re a UK-based business and currently only support English language submissions.

Will Novel Approach check over my coursework/dissertation for me?

Unfortunately not; you’re on your own with that one, but we wish you all the best with it!

What if I’m not happy with Novel Approach?

Please talk to us; we’re very approachable and would hate to have an unhappy customer. As our company policy is not to offer refunds except for extenuating circumstances, we pledge to build a good working relationship with you throughout the editorial process, to avoid this happening. It is important to remember that different proofreaders have different interpretations of the correct sentence structure or grammatical positioning. We cannot promise that every edit will be flawless—occasionally, some errors do sneak through undetected—but we can promise that we will always do our utmost to deliver the best edit we can. We will always be more than happy to return to your work again if something isn’t quite right. Also, the formats we use enable you to revert your work back to its original wording, should you prefer—and don’t worry, we won’t be offended!